A Painter Passing Through (Kathy Bouman 2021)

Picture of A Painter Passing Through

A Painter Passing Through (Kathy Bouman 2021) (Wild and Wonderful X (Ellis Powell x unknown))

Tetraploid.   UF Cascade, 7.5, 37, EM, Sev, RE, 4 wide and deep branches, 15 buds, fertile both ways. Pastel yellow with a notched bold red eyezone and a "citrus medley" throat of burnt orange, yellow, and bright green throat. The flowers usually recurve in addition to UF curling. The plants reestablish quickly and never have a bad bloom day. Kathy asked me to make her crosses for her as her birthday present in the summer she passed away. This was the sort of cross she had in mind when she moved outstanding conventional forms into her spider and UF breeding collection.

Picture of A Painter Passing Through