The Library at Daylily Lay
My Daylily Mentor, Oscie B. Whatley, Jr.
Oscie Whatley, Man from Jakarta
Profile in PDF document format of my late friend and mentor, written and published in 1998 in the Daylily Journal.
Oscie Whatley Interview and 60th Wedding Anniversary
Article in PDF document format that appeared in the Region 11 MoKanOk magazine, 2004
Oscie's Funeral, July 2005 (PDF format)
A posting to the AHS E-mail Robin that was reprinted in the Region 11 MoKanOk magazine and the Daylily Journal.
An illustrated review in PDF format of the Whatley cultivars I know, written in December, 2006, updated 2013, and running to 37 pages and 2.9 Megabytes!
Oscie Whatley's 1989 Articles on Hybridizing
These articles were scanned from an AHS reprint, edited as a Word document, and saved as a PDF file.
Oscie Whatley's Collected Garden Records
I have compiled Oscie's six garden notebooks, transcribed and annotated his lists of selected seedlings and his seedling bed maps and written four Study Guides to the material. The link above will take you to a menu of PDF files of all the materials.
A 1972 Genetecs Booklet by Joanne Norton
This is a scan of an out-of-print AHS booklet, converted to a Word document and saved as a PDF file.
My Home Recordings
I've been playing the guitar and singing for my own amusement, and occasionally for small change, since 1957, with long stretches off. I started up again in late 2014 and in 2016 I bought a compact digital recorder to play with in my home office/music room. I'll post whatever isn't too bad on my music page from time to time.
My Blog, "Creating Interest"
I learned how to set up a blog at in 2007. There you'll find occasional ramblings about books, music, gardens, and the museum world.